Modula Onepick
Automated Warehouse Storage Solution

The Modula OnePick is an operatorless automated warehouse storage solution. This vertical lift module is equipped with a cartesian robot that operates on 2 axes. It uses a specially designed gripper to handle products stored in boxes or bins without the need for operators, anthropomorphic robots or external handling systems.
How The System Works:
The OnePick set unit height allows it to integrate seamlessly with material handling systems. OnePick makes picking fully automatic and safe. OnePick trays are fitted with special accessories to organize the trays to store a number of different boxes and containers. These accessories make the tray layout flexible and easy to modify.
- OnePick is similar to the Modula Lift when it comes to saving floor space and storing items safely.
- Prevents retrieval and delivery phase errors.
- Retrieves from multiple rows in the same tray.
- Box retrieval is precise, even with random geometric layouts.
- Minimizes internal space waste.
Unit height: from 3.300 mm to 16.100 mm
Unit height increment: 200 mm
Tray storage pitch: 25 mm
Tray width: from 1.900 mm to 4.100 mm
Tray depth: 654 mm & 857 mm
Net tray payload: 250-500-750-990 kg
Total net payload: up to 90.000 kg
Number of bays: up to 3 OnePick, also on the same side and displaced
Load-bearing structure in zinc-coated steel
Eagle steel-reinforced toothed belt transmission
Elevator guiding system with 6 HDPE rollers per side
Multiple payload tray management
Maximum load unit height: 360 mm
Maximum load unit weight: 25 kg (depending on the box dimensions)
Option for opposed bays
Dynamic tray height storage
Retrofit possible on existing Modula Lifts
Want to learn more about the Modula OnePick? Download the info sheet. If you still have questions or would like advice, please contact us at Hi-Cube for assistance.